This Sunday, May 1st, we will be discussing chapters one and two when we meet together (see our Facebook page for more details on the place and time of our meeting).
If, for some reason, you are unable to attend our meetings and would like to follow along in our study, you can simply search "ChurchOfi2" on Twitter and you will find a stream of quotations from the book, along with pastoral reflection on its salient points.
If you have the book and would like to quote something that resonates with you, please feel free to participate in the discussion on your own Twitter account by hash-tagging "ChurchOfi2." If you are unfamiliar with "hash-tagging," it is simply a way to track a stream of quotations on the same topic. To "hash-tag" something, all you need to do is place the pound-sign, #, before a word or phrase with no spaces in between. For example: #ChurchOfi2.
Some questions to consider from Chapter One: The Great Chasm:
- What kind of impact do you foresee our church having in Camden?
- How will the communities in Camden around us "know" our church? Will they feel a positive connection to our ministry?
- What tangible influences will Epiphany Fellowship have on the communities in Camden City?
Some questions to consider from Chapter Two: Living Proof:
- What kinds of "living proof" will Camden experience as a result of our church's Christianity?
- How will the call of "living proof" (living out our faith) in the community challenge the way that we operate as a church?
- What helpful perspectives and ideas do the Scriptures cited in Chapter Two stir up in us as we consider this work?
The leadership of Epiphany wishes you many blessings in this study on incarnational ministry.
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